Our goal is to make small money to help you make or save big money.
For the last 25-30 years,China has become the world’s factory. Our manager has a good relationship with some of these factories. They have been very good friends for 25-30 years. We always get a good deal. If you have the market, I have the low cost factory, so why not take this chance to grow your business?
This time, we exclusively introduce this stainless steel valve factory.They produce 304 , 316 grade ball valve
and the other stainless steel components.They are co-operated with German’s famous brand ARBON . They have German’s TUV certification. They also have the Chinese government special product permit. Their products are non-explosive and fireproof, TA-LUFT, and have extremely low temperature capability designs.We also make stainless steel fittings. WE MAKE ANY STAINLESS STEEL PARTS AND PLASTIC PARTS FOR YOUR NEED. Their stainless steel ball valves and components have huge market share in Europe,Middle East and Japan.The ball valves made to two pieces and three pieces.two ways,three ways and four ways.sizes from 1/2 inches to 12″.They are two world famous Europe industrial company use their stainless steel components to assembly products.You can trust the quality!
We are the distributor of stainless steel ball valve, components, fastener, brass machine parts ,stamping steel parts, plastic parts or components. We are exclusively distribute the beautiful tempered art glass panels.Please see special product page.Thank you,
This is the product procedures:
1. We do OEM and ODM
2. Design
3. Gather ingredients
4. Precisely made
5. Detailed work
6. Assembly
7. Test
8. Quality control products
9. Finished product!
Our products can be commonly used for machines, cars, ships, in oil refineries, chemical factories, food factories, medical fields, power plants, astronomical facilities, etc. We not only make valves, we also make any parts for your needs.
For our customers, if you want to know more information, please feel free to contact us! We will try our best to give you the information you are looking for.